“All policemen are the same” is something we have been hearing since our childhood. This perception is seldom on account of some personal experiences that we hold, it’s often a result of caricature of policemen reflected in television shows, movies, news, various multimedia platforms and in casual interactions as well. But the reality is that the policemen are vastly underrated and wrongly underestimated when it comes to their capabilities and the hardship they face daily. This entire perception changes when one comes across a Kashmiri Policeman. One cannot imagine the level of professional stress and emotional dilemmas he carries every single day in his professional and personal life. He is not only expected to accomplish the routine duties of a policeman but also required to operate fearlessly in a Counter Terrorism environment. The task becomes more challenging for him as he is required to discharge his duties to the best of his capabilities in the society often comprising his known persons & relatives. He is often stuck in a quandary, a situation wherein he is required to make a quick decision between loyalty to the uniform which has given him and his family honour, and his own townsmen with whom he has grown up playing. Encountering such dilemmatic situations on a daily basis and successfully maintaining a balance between professional and emotional responsibilities, is what makes a Kashmiri Policeman stand-out from the rest.It is unimaginable for many of us about the stress a Kashmiri Policeman goes through, when destabilized law and order situation breaks out warranting immediate and effective police action without causing harm or injuries to civilians. A policeman is well empowered to use force to any extend as deemed suitable if situation demands, but a Kashmiri Policeman applies his wisdom, maintains his patience, forbearance under great provocation and tries to restore normalcy with minimum use of force. These actions have to vindicate professional requirements as well his social reputation amongst his own townies. If a Kashmiri Policeman decides to go with the ethos of his job, then he becomes vulnerable to be considered as an antagonist in his own society and his own relatives and his actions may even turn his near and dear ones against him. It may also result in compromising with the safety of his own family. It is well known that there are numerous agencies operating in the valley to achieve a common goal wherein, a Kashmiri Policeman is required to contribute directly in order to synergise the operational effectiveness. However, a few external factors also heavily influence his actions, such as the constraints of the domain of his employment. Sometimes, his intent is not deemed support even by his own colleagues. And the reason is quite justifiable, the Kashmiri Policemen have witnessed numerous incidents of their brave and unfeigned brothers in uniform suffer the loss of their families in past. At the same time if he tries to remain neutral, his conscience does not allow him to remain so, because then definitely he is not doing justice to his uniform and profession. At the end of the day the ambiguity present in soul doesn’t allow any set template of decision to be taken. Further  his selection of right or wrong isn’t often binary and ends up in a grey zone where sinusoidal graph between his loyalty, social responsibility, professional responsibility and responsibility towards his family keeps on changing positions, eventually impose limits to act freely as per his gifted wisdom.The hardship encountered by a Kashmiri Policemen is unmatchable and be expressed in words. Numerous brave and honest policemen have confronted targeted attacks, with their lives at total stake, posters threatening their families pasted on the doors of their houses but surprisingly, all this could not shake their firm belief and they demonstrated themselves to be the men of strong character. The determination they exhibit in restoring normalcy in valley is commendable. Behind every strong policeman, there is even stronger family who stands by them, love them and support them with all their heart and such courage of these families is highly motivational.

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