Infrastructure development is a driving factor to ensure seamless growth of business & financial happiness as well as stable life for nations are into bartering the business & financials amongst society. Government via virtue of abrogation of Articles 370 & 35A has been making a quit, comfortable & peaceful attempt to create an environment to ensure all round development of union territory of Jammu & Kashmir. Kashmir valley is blessed with riches of all types of natural resources / raw medicines & can contribute immensely towards economic growth of nation. 

Government after abrogating the Article 370 & 35A has been putting all out efforts to stabalize the political, social & financial structure of the valley to including Education, Medical & Human Rights for all. The recent incident of killings of civilian labaorours & non Kashmiri residents in the valley is an highly ambitions attempt by the Anti National Elements / Militant outfits to prove their presence & dictator theory. Indian Army has been (since last three decades) giving a tight noose to these radical outfits & mentors of young Kashmiris those are blindly fighting against the brotherhood of Kashmiris in the name of JIHAD. 

The blind thought of Jihadi mentality against Kashmiriyat will definitely lead these Anti National Elements into a drought situation one day. The statement “Abrogation against Abrogation” is not only a statement, which will be a fail attempt to think guns & bullets can solve the issue of Kashmir. Attempts to disturb the process of settling down of non Kashmiri as well as normalcy is an attempt to cause fear rumour in the minds of all Indians which needs to be countered by all. All the brothers & sisters of Kashmir must come up against the continuous violation of human rights by terrorists well as their sympathisers. We must therefore, help in creating an independent main stream society which stands for their rights by demanding peaceful & loving environment in the valley.

Maj Ashish Pahal

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