“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people”- Mahatama Gandhi

Once the Mughal emperor Jahangir Khan quoted in his court about Kashmir “if there is a paradise on earth, it is this, it is this, it is this.” Kashmir’s wealthy heritage is not because of any single reason but the amalgamation of various factor whether we take its geographical locations, invaders from the past, beliefs, modernisation and development etc. These reason left their impression from time to time, one generation to another on the culture of Kashmir which resulted in moulding isolated cultural beliefs and customs into varied and rich cultural heritage.
Kashmir is justly said to be the Nature’s ground finale of beauty. Kashmir is the home town for the people of various sectors and races. It has been the highest learning centre of Sanskrit and Persian, this reflects the glimpse of Indo- Aryanic civilisation and advert of Islamic finest traditions Persian civilization, tolerance, brotherhood and sacrifice.
Kashmir Heritage
Kashmir is the masterpiece of earth’s creation its rich heritage diversity is worn into the language, against literature, religion, arts & crafts, dance, music, food, the architectures, etc. in fact the people of Kashmir have made significant contribution in its rich heritage and learning accolades for it from across the world be it in the fields of storytelling, poetry, philosophy, sciences, etc. The handicraft of Kashmir like Pashmina shawls, silk carpets, the intricate wood work on the ceilings and carvings on furniture are splendid and unique in itself.
Kashmiri cuisine is quite famous for the use of spices, the music and dance, are one of the way of celebrating festivities, the renowned folk songs are all integral part of the Kashmir culture. The splendid architectures add a beauty mark to its rich cultural heritage.
Kashmir Culture
The beautiful and peaceful valley has managed to protect its rich and deep rooted ancient traditions in the heart of Kashmiris. Now, Kashmir heritage is contributing in the economic upliftment of its people and nation as a whole bringing handsome amount of foreign exchange. The rich culture also reflects the positivity and bonhomie among the people of Kashmir.
“Culture is the widening of the mind and of the Spirit” – Jawaharlal Nehru