We were sitting in a stadium in North Kashmir as the boys from nearby villages were playing a cricket match in the Govt High School Ground in a picturesque setting with backdrop of snow clad Pir Panjals. The boys were in the mood of their life, cheering every ball and shot hit by the batsman. I too cheered with them and felt their age inspite of being almost ten to fifteen years older to them. In long breaks, when wickets fell, we talked about college life, politics, teachers etc. Rayees would tell how the slogans for azadi echoed in the college campus occasionally. I asked him about the sentiments behind these talks or slogans for azadi; did the boys really hope for any outcome out of these. Mazid, sitting next to me, suddenly laughed mischievously and a bit sarcastically and said, “It’s fashion sir! In Kashmir, if a boy talks about azadi he is looked upon in awe by the girls!” He laughed again and said that it’s the shortest way to popularity and acceptance in the college campus.
I asked Rayees, who is a mature and intelligent boy, if it is really true? Rayees paused for a while and called Safina standing behind the spectators watching the match with four-five other girls. Safina too studied in second year in local Degree College and had been a topper in academics. Rayees asked Safina, if the girls really got impressed or charmed by the boys talking about azadi for Kashmir. Safina smiled softly and said, “It is true that many girls get infatuated and attracted to such boys but not herself!” She told that the girls are intelligent and know the futility of such talks.
Kulsam, a Political Science student, standing nearby, added that infact she would remain away from such boys. These boys generally were failures in life. It is one of these who would get swayed by the idea of azadi or gun. Wish they had an idea of geo-politics. It’s sheer waste of time and emotions. It is very difficult to make people understand who themselves do not want to believe that they are just pawns in the hands of people with vested interests.
Safina laughs and says, “Girls are very intelligent, we might join these boys in sloganeering for azadi for fun but shall never marry them. I would rather marry a stone crusher than a stone peltar. We know their future!”
Kulsum adds that girls know that their future is with a person who is hardworking. He may have a small job or business but is more aware about life. Someone who lives at his own terms and not on the terms of people who use the youth to create a vicious atmosphere where their agenda is served. She says that the glamour of azadi is just a fallacy and has no place or meaning in today’s scenario! The world is fast integrating and moving towards globalization. Kashmir’s future is bright with India being one of the fastest growing economy.
I was really amazed and impressed by the awareness of these young college students! Wish them a bright future.