Agar Firdaus bar roo-e ZameenastHameenast-o hameenast.”

The lines by the Farsi writer/ poet describe the beauty of Kashmir at its peak, the clear atmosphere, free flowing rivers, unscaled mountains and the warmth of locals. But in present times the atmosphere and rivers have been polluted,the warmth of Kashmiri locals has also been lost. The plague of terrorism has affected the Kashmir so much that it has become a synonym for it.

The real question is do the locals want to be associated with such demeaning synonym. A self-respecting and proud Kashmiri would never think of such a humiliation. Yet, despite the best efforts from the government agencies much is still left to be done. There are still activities involving terrorists and recruitment to tanzeems is unabated. All due to the involvement of many masked and hidden individuals.

These unknown, nameless individuals are similar to a director in a motion picture. One who portrays his own point of view and control the actions of actors on stage. Such people act behind a veil, and influence the mindset of the target, most of whom come from the vulnerable strata of the society. Economically backward, vulnerable teens, drug addicts and disgruntled individuals are the prime targets as they are easily brainwashed, their ability of rational thinking is attacked and poisoned to such an extent that they become mere puppets. These brainwashed individuals then act as means for the hidden actors to achieve their aim of spreading hatred and terror in their own state, in their own community.

In recent times the security agencies have started swift action against these hidden terrorist to attack the root cause and prevent further spread of malaise. Use of digital space and technology by such culprits is the reason that the substantial progress is yet to be achieved. In July 2021 Akbar Safi, Secretary Srinagar Municipal Corporation and his sons Nazesh Yassab Rehman and Tabish Akbar Rehmani were arrested. It was found that they were involved in running an online campaign to intimidate journalists and government employees by spreading rumors and fake news. Their activities involved marking the target journalist by fake propaganda, which would result in an attack on them to avert them from getting involved in nation building and pro peace news and articles.

Also there have been cases where in rumor mongering is resorted to. In one such case rumor regarding a member of minority were circulated wherein it was propagated that members of minority are acting as informers of police. The sole purpose and motive of these types of rumors was to disturb the social equilibrium and push the society down dwindling towards unrest. Security agencies acted and rebutted the fake propaganda and prevented another mass targeting of minorities which would have worsened the progress made in recent years.

Recently the involvement of a non-practicing dentist who was running a call center and property dealing business from the rented space in the building and was involved providing assistance to the terrorists, is yet another case study wherein the individual was able to carry out such activity in broad daylight and the neighborhood is playing out the innocent card. This is the root cause that until the actions do not affect one person, no one in the society or community checks or questions such illegal and dangerous activities. In the words of Lt Gen DP Pandey AVSM, VSM Chinar Corps Commander, “Nothing gives more pleasure to our adversary than the news of the death of a soldier or a youth”. Truly death of anyone is a victory for our adversary, each successful anti – terrorist operation is a success but till the time the society as a whole doesn’t sham the illegal sponsoring, harboring and assisting the terrorist the real success is far away.

The time is now to act as it will decide the outcome for the future generations; no one can be oblivious to the surroundings as any inaction today may come to haunt us tomorrow. The easy availability of radical material on social media is another growing concern as the youth bubbling with energy and little concern for the righteous path stray into the unknown and fall prey to these hidden actors. The onus of protecting their children is on their parents, Be vigilant!

 All these perpetrators who are involved in such recruiting nexus would never involve their near ones, as they know the outcome. A question to be asked to such flag bearers is if the path or the actions are so holy why don’t they get their own relatives enrolled? The society has to remove the blinkers and see the world without any shade, not through the glasses of the propaganda, fake news and sympathizer’s nexus.

Tourism industry has been adversely affected by the present conditions due to COVID-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions and has surely affected most of the Kashmiri populous, primarily dependent on tourism. This may be the weakest time and adversary will try to utilize it to its optimum by luring to provide financial support and other incentives. It is in this time of weakness there is need for to be extra vigilant that our innocent youth don’t fall prey to such fake promises and act rashly. Don’t let these few individuals to hide behind their masks &manipulate us, let’s unmask them show their real face to the world. Save youth, Save Kashmir!

                                    “SHAAL TSALITH.

                                                BATHEN CHOB”

‘Time to act is now don’t waste it’

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