Kashmir, lately has been proving to be the land of rising stars. In yet another field, a young Kashmiri is winning the hearts of people across the nation. At just 10 years of age, Arfat Mohideen Bhat has already created a sensation with Eight rap songs and has more than 18 thousand subscribers on YouTube. Belonging to Prichoo village in Southern Kashmir’s Pulwama district, the young Arafat drew inspiration from trending rap songs on YouTube and has been famous by the alias “RAP – KiD [Arfat]. Arfat thanks his parents and his family who have always been supportive & have backed his ambitions. His father Ghulam Mohideen Bhat said “He was singing and dancing from an early age. Right now, I like what my son is doing and am trying to give him my full support.”
Arfat picked up rapping drawing inspiration from rapper Eniway Bantai. His first YouTube video has already reached more than two lakh views. Arfat writes his own rap, which is later refined by his uncle Hilal Ahmed. Arfat says he wants to perform on a bigger platform and showcase the talents of Kashmiris to the entire World. He further advises the youth to hone their skills and do what they like the most. They should not let criticism bog them down. They should keep away from social evils & focus their energy on building themselves & the society. A young, spirited boy, who does not fear to tread the unknown path, he is an inspiration for the youth all around the nation.