Khanqah Naqshbandiya is Situated on the road between Khanyaar and Nowhatta in Srinagar. It was built in 1633 by Khwaja Khawand Mehmood Naqshbandi. This mosque is one of the finest examples of Kashmiri ancient and medieval wooden architecture. Naqashi or painted lacquer is remarkably exhibited in the interiors of the Shrine. Khatamband wood carving and lattice work, pinjrakari, is also seen in this monument. This mosque is famous for being the first shrine to supposedly house the sacred relic of Prophet Muhammad in 1699 AD. The Urs of Naqshband Saheb is observed on the 3rd day of Hijri month of Rabi-ul-Awwal. Besides this, the Shrine is famous for offering what is called as ‘Khwaj-i-Digar’.