Takiya Tapar Temple (Pratap Swami Lord Nelson Temple) is situated at Tapar. The village Tapar is at a distance of 35 Km from Srinagar. This village has been mentioned by Kalhana in his Rajatarangini as ancient Pratapapura, built by Pratapaditya II. Pratap Swami temple resembles all other temples of Kashmir in the massiveness of the materials used and simplicity of style. This temple complex was totally buried under the ground and was excavated in 1942 The excavations which were conducted here exposed the base of the temple and its courtyard and the plinth of the enclosure wall on the rear side of the base are traces of the super structure. The temple appears to have been of Vimana type facing East. The staircase leading to the cella proper is in the middle of the Eastern wall. Of the steps only the lowest is in existence. The flank: walls of the staircase are adorned with niches on cach inside face containing images of gods and goddesses. The excavations revealed traces of stone platform in the courtyard. During excavations many other significant antiquities came to light which include burnt birch leaves, stone image, stone pedestal with an image of Garuda, earthen Jars, incriptions and pottery. These antiquities were of Vaishnavite character The temple was destroyed in 1990 and presently it is in ruins, looked after by Archaeological Survey of India.

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