Zarah Bhat-Karate player from Srinagar

20 years old Karate player Zarah Bhat from Srinagar represents Kashmir at different levels. She started her journey when she was in 6th standard and she’s known for being the First DAN black belt in Karate from Kashmir. At both district level and state level, she is a 5-time medalist and also a national silver medalist. She has participated in the KAI, after which she got selected for a certificate course by the Prime Minister’s package in health and fitness Sports Authority of India.

A multi-sport lover, she still plays as an athlete, does yoga, and participated in the 63rd national games in Chhattisgarh. She has played judo tournament as well. After that, she played first international E martial art and Yoga competition and she got the first rank in India and then her Shihan decided to make her a SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT in TKAJAK in district Srinagar.

Zarah has won several championships and awards including Punjab State Karate championship 2020-2021, Gold medal -55 kg Jammu and Kashmir State, Championship 2021 at indoor complex Jammu.

This is the journey of a little school girl who turned her passion into her dreams. A sports inspiration for many young girls who underestimate their own capacity in the world of sports.

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