Syed Rangi Imam Ghazi also known as Bada Peer was born in the Uch Bloot village of Multan province in Pakistan andlived during the second quarter of the 16thcentury. His baby brother Masoom Shah Ghazi (Chota Peer) got angry with his father and left home. Seeing his family upset, SyedRangi Imam undertook to locate his brother. He Took along with him some fakirs including the sixthGuru of the sikhs, Guru Hargobind Singh. Aftermany years of arduous search, he met his brother atDanna (Peer Pathar area) on the Chhota Kazinag. His younger brother convinced him to stay back inKashmir and help him with his divine mission. Bada Peer set up a mosque in Kamalkot and they sayhe used the divinity bestowed on him to extract afresh water spring from the ground. He undertookCillah (meditation for 40 months) at Shahdara before he passed away, where a Maqbara was built on the orders or Emperor Shah Jahan. This was destroyed by fire about 150 years ago. It was partially repaired subsequently. A large annual mela at Shahdara Ziarat attracts crowds from far off places. He undertook Cillah (meditation for 40 months) at Shahdara before he passed away, where a Maqbara was built on the orders or Emperor Shah Jahan. This was destroyed by fire about 150 years ago. It was partially repaired subsequently. A large annual mela at Shahdara Ziarat attracts crowds from far off places.