Health of a state/UT is signified in direct proportion to the gender equality status followed and enjoyed by its citizens. Empowerment of girls may simply be described as making them empowered to take their own decisions about their lives and well being in the family and society. Though the national policy directs its citizens to religiously abide by the laws of gender equality, it has been highlighted by most of the states that the patriarchal mentality is still prevalent in most of the families. Similar is the case in the UT of J&K where religious aspects and patriarchal dominance have overpowered the society and neglected the empowerment and upliftment of girls since years. Domestic violence and restrictions in traveling and discontinuing their education due to customary practices barricades the choices of women empowerment to a considerable level.
Since decades, women in Kashmir have been subjected to inferior and subordinate class and Imposition of restrictions in terms of forceful Hijab and Burqas can be seen in any of the villages/towns/schools event, though, their male counterparts don’t have to abide by any such restrictions in clothing. The concept of polygamy has taken deep roots into the society, and since it is supported by religious sentiments, the same is followed without any opposition amongst the citizens. Women in the UT became the victim of violence from past decades due to armed conflict, militancy, domestic and social violence etc. Low participation of women in political and socio economic process has been witnessed. Such discriminations have snatched their right of freedom of speech, freedom to get education and employment opportunities, which is adversely affecting the human development and their well-being.
Sex ratio, as per the census of 2011 is 889 females for every 1000 males with only four other states worse than this. Though, an alarming decline of child sex ratio (0 to 6 years) from 941 to 862 was seen in between 2001 and 2011. Although women who belonged to the lower social strata were engaged in various economic activities, like agriculture, spinning, weaving, handicrafts etc, but they did so out of economic deprivation and it did not raise their status either socially or economically. Abrogated Article 35A stipulated that J&K women who married non-Permanent Residents of Kashmir would lose their permanent residential status and inheritance rights in Kashmir. So if a girl gets highly educated and becomes a scientist, doctor, engineer, film maker or on, actress and marries any Indian who is not a permanent resident of Kashmir, she would lose all her rights and Kashmiri citizenship. The patriarchal reaction takes place in the form of increasing crimes against women, in rapes and sexual harassment, in domestic violence and marital rape. Employment workforce in J&K is also mostly male dominated with only 14.4% urban and 26% rural of them being women.
Despite the patriarchal mindset in decades, zeal to empower and self growth backed by the laws and policies of government cannot be overlooked as seen in all reaches of the Valley. With the objective to strengthen the representation of women in development, not less than one third of seats were reserved for them in Panchayat Elections which received very positive response. For example, Shaina Begum from Wadar village of North Kashmir got elected as the sarpanch initially, and furthermore, got elected as the BDC Chairman of whole Rajwar block during last BDC elections. As elected and entrusted by the citizens, she is showing exemplary leadership and dedication towards development of the whole block and is an inspiration for all the women to rise and break the patriarchal mindset. Another example, Nadia Beigh from Distt Kupwara broke all the stereotypes, displayed extreme dedication and hard work to clear UPSC Civil Services Examination, 2019. A strong message was spread in the air that, if empowered with basic education, backed by family and self motivation to achieve the goal is strong, then girls from all across the valley can conquer any dream. Arifa Jan, an independent self starter, made herself to set up three manufacturing units of Kashmiri rug Namada and trained more than 100 Kashmiri women in it, thus giving them employment opportunity. Riffat Masoodi, 40 year old mother of two children is the only Kashmiri women cricket bat maker heading Masoodi Arts and Sports Firm.
So far Kashmiri women were discriminated and deprived of their fundamental rights of property. The abrogation of Article 370 ensured that they do not lose their rights on land and property even if they get married to any Indian in any State. The law created a situation of discrimination and deprivation for Kashmiri women in their own state and questioned their identity as a Kashmiri and denied their right as an Indian citizen and an Indian woman.
The literacy rate among girls in J&K is up from 43% to 58.01% from 2001 to 2011 which is a reflection of improvement of mentality of families and rising aspirations of girls in the Valley. Over the years, the government at has taken many initiatives and launched many schemes like National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary Level, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, and many others to promote education among girls. Various scholarships are given to female students at different stages. Further to it, enhancement of Pragati and Saksham Scholarship Schemes to Rs 50,000 per year by Govt has spiked their prospects of enrolling into and pursuing higher education. As a result of these initiatives and intervention there has been a continuous rise in the female literacy in the UT. But the gender gap in literacy still exists where male literacy rate is 78.2% with a wide margin of 20.25% which needs to be addressed in a proper form.
Rashtriya Mahila Kosh is a fund that has been allotted to provide loan at minimal interest for women who belong to deprived and poor segments of society to setup small businesses. In order to arrest the declining female sex ratio, Jammu & Kashmir Government sponsored a social assistance scheme “Ladli Beti” meant for new born girl child of J&K on or after 01st April 2015. The objective of the scheme is to ensure that the girl child does not become a burden for the parent or guardian at the time of her marriage as believed by parents in the society.
Empowerment and upliftment of girl child is the only solution for complete overhaul, stability and development of J&K as a UT. The illiterate, ignorant and patriarchal people should be made aware about the requirement and importance of empowerment of girl child, so that they may come out of the shell of religious and socio cultural hindrances and make efforts in treating their girl child equal to all. It can be said that sound decisions by policy makers, rational governance of administration and good attitude of common citizen can surely help in raising the standards in girl empowerment but the initiative has to come from society to eradicate the patriarchal mindset.
National Policy of Education, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mahila Samakhya, Balika Samridhi Yojana, National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary Level, Swayam Sidha Women Empowerment Program, National Commission for Women, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh are executed by the Central Govt, but dissemination of information does not route to ground level. Workshops and seminars should be organized by the higher education institutions so that awareness related to the policies of women empowerment are increased amongst the students and society. Awareness drive should be conducted at the village level so that the women of the villages are aware about these policies which are implemented for them.
There should be new schemes and facilities like free books, free uniform, free transport, proper timing, etc. for female education. Schools and colleges should be safer places for girls to make them comfortable to attend. More than that, a healthy curriculum and syllabus should be made enabling teachers to educate the mass more about the success stories of women in our society, ultimately motivating and educating both genders about equality and the caliber of a female gender, once empowered, to avail opportunities lying ahead. As it is rightly said that-
“The empowered women is powerful beyond measures and beautiful beyond description”