Halima, later known as Mai Demaji Sahiba, meaning an ‘Old Mother’ of all, was a Sufi Saint and grandmother of Makhdoom Saheb better known as Sultan-e-Kashmire. Mai Demaji Sahiba was buried at Kadi Bagh area of Wachabathu ridge where many people used tovisit her grave. It is said that once when Makhdoom Saheb came to visit her grave, he got very tired by the time he reached Melyal. He, therefore, requested Mai Demaji Sahiba to come down. Legend has it that with divine grace, the grave of Mai Demaji Sahiba was lifted along with soil and trees and was brought to its present location in Babapatti. People of the area believe that the present location of the Ziarat is raised irom its surroundings because of the soil divinely transplanted from its original location at Kadi Bagh. However, people presently are unable to trace the exact location of Kadi Bagh area but the belief lives on. The Ziarat is located in a thick grove of lush green Kail trees. It has a sacred spring which is believed to be a heavenly doorway to a Divine meeting place of all Peers and it opens its portals for these Peers on Jumme-Raat  (Thursday).

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